Fairing Manufacturer Wixom Arthur Fulmer Commuter

Styles Available Price ($USD)
23" (11 Holes)274.00
21" (11 Holes)274.00
25" (11 Holes)274.00
23" (9 Holes)274.00

Fairing Manufacturer Wixom Commuter Frame Mounted

Styles Available Price ($USD)
(9 & 11 Holes) (21" Tall)241.00
(9 & 11 Holes) (23" Tall)241.00
(9 & 11 Holes) (25" Tall)241.00

Fairing Manufacturer Wixom Ranger 7 Holes

This screen fits most frame mounted Wixom Brothers Fairings with 7 mounting holes. åÊThey used multiple numbers to identify the style but most of them use the same windscreen as long as it has 7 mounting holes.

Stock height of an original Wixom Ranger windscreen is 18 inches tall. åÊThe width along the bottom mounting edge is 19 inches.

  • Wixom Brother Fairing #107
  • Wixom Brother Fairing #118
  • Wixom Brother Fairing #131
  • Wixom Brother Fairing #141
  • Boxer Cafe's Wixom Ranger fairing
Boxer Cafe Wixom Ranger Fairing Windshield
Boxer Cafe 5 Upper
Boxer Cafe Wixom Ranger Fairing MK III
Boxer Cafe MK III
Styles Available Price ($USD)
(8" Tall)186.00
(12" Tall)197.00
(15.5" Tall)219.00
(18" Tall) Stock219.00
(20" Tall)241.00
(21" Tall)241.00
(23" Tall)241.00