Fairing Manufacturer California Sidecar Friendship I & II

If you are unsure which California Sidecar you have, please check out the main CSC Guide page.

CSC Guide Here

We offer two windshield styles for the California Sidecar. Originally called American Spirit by the Spirit of America Sidecar Company.

  • Original - This is the original version for the classic Friendship sidecar look
  • Sport - This is a lower version windshield which offers a little more air flow for the sidecar passenger.

This windshield fits the following sidecars by California Sidecar. Both of these sidecars have 11 mounting holes originally.

  • California Sidecar Friendship I
    • Mounting Edge Circumference 61 inches.
  • California Sidecar Friendship II
    • Mounting Edge Circumference 59.5 inches.
Below is an interactive video of the Sport version.
Styles Available Price ($USD)
Original (26" CL screen length)307.00
Sport (15" CL screen length)274.00

Fairing Manufacturer California Sidecar Friendship III

If you are unsure which California Sidecar you have, please check out the main CSC Guide page.

CSC Guide Here
Styles Available Price ($USD)
Side Panels (Set of 2)142.00