Yamaha 550 Vision 1983

Most models may be fabricated with EUROFLIP. Please indicate in NOTES section when ordering.

Styles Available Price ($USD)
Stock (16" Tall)219.00
'+2 Taller (18" Tall)219.00
'+4 Taller (20" Tall)219.00
G-Force (21" Tall)219.00
'+6" Taller (22" Tall)219.00

Yamaha TZ 250 1996 - 1998 - H

Styles Available Price ($USD)
Air Tech H219.00
Custom Cut219.00

Yamaha TZ 250 1973 - A

This screen fits the early TZ 250 A.

It also fits Air Tech fairing TZ250AB.

Yamaha TZ 500 1980

This fits Air Tech TZ5001 - Tz500 Fairing

Air Tech Yamaha TZ 250/350 1978 - 1980 - E, F, G

This fits Air Tech TZ250EFG - Yamaha TZ 250 Race Fairing - E, F, & G Model

Yamaha TD 2 250 1970 - 1972

This fits Air Tech TD22 - Yamaha TD / TR Vintage Race Fairing.

Yamaha Seca XJ 600/900 1983-1984

This fits:

  • Seca 900 1983
  • Seca 600 1984
  • Seca 600 1985


Yamaha Seca XJ 550 1981 - 1982

This also fits Air Tech fairing for Yamaha Seca XJ550 1982-1983

Styles Available Price ($USD)

Yamaha Seca 650 Turbo 1982

Styles Available Price ($USD)
'+2 Taller241.00

Yamaha V-Max

Styles Available Price ($USD)
'+2 Taller197.00
'+5 Taller197.00
'-1 Shorter197.00

Yamaha TZ 250 1993 - E

This screen fits OEM and most of the aftermarket replica fairings for this generation.åÊ

Including Air Tech, Sharkskinz, and others.åÊ

We also have a 2 inches taller windscreen for bigger air pocket.åÊ

Styles Available Price ($USD)
'+2 Taller219.00

Yamaha TZ 50 1990 - 1992

This windshield fits Air Tech fairings:

  • TZ501
  • YZR501

Air Tech Yamaha RD 350

Styles Available Price ($USD)
(Read Titan Windshield)219.00
(Read Titan NoseCone)109.00